What Breed is your dog/dogs?
We have 5 dogs in our pack; all girls!
Monkey is a 1 year old Miniature Dachshund
Raine is a 13 year old Miniature Australian Shepherd
Fanta is a 13 year old rescue Pomeranian mix
Fudge is a 11 year old rescue Jack Russel mix
Tara is a 10 year old working sheepdog
What type of diet do you feed your dog/dogs?
All of our dogs are fed a raw food diet.
Have you always fed this type of diet or have you transitioned?
I was first introduced to raw feeding when I got Raine 13 years ago. Both Raine and Monkey were weaned onto raw. Fanta, Fudge and Tara were all transitioned from kibble to raw once we brought them home.
How do you ensure your dog’s meals are balanced?
We follow the Prey Model Raw (PRM) where a balanced diet consists of 80% muscle meat, 10% organs (5% liver, 5% other secreting organ) and 10% bone. You will often see this written as 80/10/10 complete on raw food packaging. Dogs also need a daily source of omegas no matter what diet they are on. My girls aren’t the biggest fans of fish so I give them an omega oil supplement instead. It is also important to rotate proteins regularly so that they get at least 4 or more throughout the month. We like to add in things like raw eggs, fur/fibre, and other natural supplements like bone broth, pre/probiotics, goats milk, herbal teas etc for all of their added nutrients and health benefits.
When did you first discover Karnlea?
We first discovered Karnlea when we created Monkey’s Instagram last year (2023).
How often do you use Karnlea Bone Broth or natural supplements?
Our dogs get bone broth daily. We rotate and feed the natural powder supplements each day too. Sometimes we give them the same one for a few days or a couple at the same time depending on each individual dog’s needs.
How do you add our Bone Broth / Supplements to your dog’s diet?
We either mix them into their dinner or feed them separately as a treat/as needed. For example, on hot days/after a long walks/hard exercise, we will offer them bone broth by itself for extra hydration.
What are the main benefits you feel our broths and supplements provide to your dog’s overall wellbeing?
We love and use each supplement for their fantastic benefits below…
Bone broth is gelatin, collagen and protein rich, so it’s great for the joints and bones. It’s also brilliant for the gut and digestion, encourages appetite and aids hydration.
Pumpkin powder is a natural prebiotic that is packed full of vitamins, improves digestive health and helps to regulate stools.
Slippery Elm & Marshmallow Root powder soothes digestive discomfort by lining and protecting the gut. It helps respiratory conditions and regulate stool consistency too.
Goat Milk powder is packed full of easily digestible protein and healthy fats. It is rich in vitamins and minerals like vitamin D, encourages appetite and aids hydration.
Our dogs thrive on these supplements and genuinely enjoy eating them. I believe adding them into their food bowls daily helps keep our girls in tip top shape.
Does your dog have a favourite bone broth flavour and powered supplement?
Favourite bone broth has to be the original beef bone broth. Although they thoroughly enjoy each flavour they do go a bit wild for beef in particular!
Favourite powdered supplement has to be the goat milk as they will literally try and eat it straight out of the pot!
Tell us something super cute or loveable about your dog.
Although Monkey is the tiniest of our crew, she is the sassiest and definitely considers herself the boss!
Raine competed in agility at Crufts and the World Agility Championships for team Ireland back in her hay day!
Fanta is called the princess of the pack as sometimes she will refuse to walk on wet grass to go toilet but will then happily go and roll in fox poop!
Fudge has complete small dog syndrome and identifies as a Rottweiler half of the time!
Tara loves her job so much that sometimes she sneaks off up the field and starts herding the sheep by herself!
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